Sunday, June 16, 2019

From Market to Airport to Stone Wall Trail

We went to the market in Pollença this morning, with over 300 vendors selling everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to tools to socks.  We bought fresh cherries.  We drove toward Palma Airport and stopped at another market in Consell, this one was a flea market that would have been so much fun if we had a house to furnish!
We arrived at the Palma Airport by 12:30, to pick up Audrey, Lauren and Taylor.  They were quite tired, so we went home to Villa Huguet for lunch.  The girls swam a bit after lunch, while Audrey napped by the pool.  We took Lauren and Taylor on a hike, to give Audrey a bit more time to rest after the flight.  We hiked up the mountainside behind our house, with miles and miles of stacked stone walls.  Papa and I hiked up the same trail last evening and really enjoyed it.  Our hike prompted me to do a bit of reading about the ancient stone walls.  The Tramuntana Mountains cultural landscape, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, is characterized by dry stone walls and terraces.  The stone walls were constructed over thousands of years and most are still maintained today.  It is a unique landscape and interesting to see up close and right out our back door!