Friday, June 28, 2019


By 9:30 this morning, we were on our way to Bordeaux.  Pam drove, parked the car, and we took the tram just a few miles across the bridge and into the city.  We walked through the Porte de Bourgogne, ten to Place Maynard, to see Basilique St. Michel and Tower Pey St. Michel.  We shopped at Marche des Capucins, with its fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, flowers, and more.  We bought fresh cherries and nuts.
We got back on the tram at Place de la Victoire, and got off at Esplanade des Quinconces, with its Monument Aux Girondines, a tribute to the inhabitants of the area that lost the French Revolution.  We stopped at the information center to pick up a walking tour map, then set off on our own self guided UNESCO Heritage Tour.
Place de la Victoire 
Monument Aux Girondins
Grand Theatre