Friday, July 24, 2020

Ghost Ranch

We stayed at Ghost Ranch for a week, the summer of 1981, and made wonderful memories.  Today was our first time back, and Ghost Ranch still takes our breath away.  I made a reservation to hike the Cathedral Rock Trail.  Due to Covid restrictions, we were the only hikers on the trail.  It was extraordinary!

After our hike, we toured the Ghost Ranch History Museum, and the Museum of Paleontology, with the Director of the Paleontology Museum giving us a private tour.  Again, we were the only visitors, as they only allowed two people in the museum.  Several dinosaurs have been found on Ghost Ranch, two now in the Museum of Natural History in New York City.  Ancient Native Americans also lived on Ghost Ranch and there have been multiple finds, including 70 large pots fully intact.  We had a good day!