Friday, May 17, 2019

Navajo Jewelry

A few months ago, when attending WAK: Pow Wow in Tucson, I bought a necklace made by a Navajo woman, Joanne Hunter.  My friend, Rachel, also bought a necklace from Joanne.  As we were making our purchases, we talked with Joanne and her daughter, Janice, about their home at Canyon de Chelly.  They invited us to visit them when we came to Canyon de Chelly.  I called Joanne and made arrangements to meet.  We went to Janice’s home this evening and met more of their family, while we shopped for jewelry.  All their designs are based on traditional Navajo rug designs and are handmade with a simple loom, thread, needle, and beads.  The results are unique and beautiful.  I ordered a bracelet that Joanne will make and send to me.  Rachel bought a necklace and a bracelet.  We enjoyed our visit!