Sunday, February 23, 2020

Not Well

While doing yard work two weekends ago, I started having sharp pains in my lung, on the left side.  After a couple of days in pain, I went to our primary care physician and he sent me to a radiology lab for x-rays.  Within an hour, he called to say the x-rays indicated I have pneumonia and he prescribed medication.  I felt worse and worse and had more pain, waking up two days later and unable to get myself out of bed.  I called my doctor and he recommended I go to ER.  Papa and I chose to go to the Mayo Hospital ER in Phoenix.  I spent several hours having tests run, x-rays, CT scans, bloodwork, and the diagnosis was that I have bronchiectasis, a chronic lung condition that makes picking up pneumonia easier, and may harbor bacteria such as mycobacterium avium complex.  I will go for further testing after I complete the antibiotics prescribed at Mayo.  

I already had an appointment at Mayo this past Tuesday, with a pulmonologist, which I kept.  His diagnosis was similar to the ER doctor, plus he told me to “live your life!” by getting regular aerobic exercise, eating a healthy diet, and wearing a mask in groups of people, on windy days, or when there is dust in the air.  I’m still taking it easy as I have some lingering chest pain, but I’m getting better!  I am grateful to family and friends that have checked on me and brought flowers, a friend that has gone on slow short walks to get me out of the house, and to Papa, who takes care of me at every turn!