Monday, June 25, 2018

Emerson and Colby Visit

Claire's family is in the throes of moving to Phoenix, so Papa and I offered to have Emerson and Colby spend this week with us.  We met at the Marana Mall yesterday morning and did some shopping and had lunch.  We headed home with Emerson and Colby by 1.  They spent the afternoon playing with magnatiles, Emerson decorated a poster, and they played outside with remote control trucks.  We also watched a dove sitting on her nest from the front porch and Colby helped Papa refill the bird feeder in the back.  After a pizza dinner at Humble Pie and bathtime, Emerson read Riki Tiki Tavi to us.  That was a big deal to her, because that has been their favorite book for Papa to read to them.  Loved it!