On Sunday evening, we had Ornella and Donato for dinner. They spent the summer at their home in northern Italy. I walk with Ornella five days a week, but we don’t see Donato so often. The four of us always trade stories about our most recent European experiences as residents. It is nice to have good friends doing some of the same things.
Last evening, we had our friend Yadi for dinner. Yadi is 22 and graduated from the University of Arizona in May. She is now in her first real job, putting to use her degree in Nutrition. We talked for hours, and were so happy that she enjoys her job and is doing well. We’ve known Yadi since she was quite young, from our days on the ranch, when her Dad would help us with roundups and brandings. Her Dad, Manny, is an amazing cowboy!
We’re having a good week, continuing to study French, taking care of our house, and getting eyes checked, insurance policies arranged, and all those things that need attention. Life is good!