Sunday, May 24, 2020

Happy 74th Birthday, Papa!

Papa has had a wonderful 74th birthday!  After breakfast, we went on a walk through our neighborhood.  Soon after we got back home, his phone started ringing.  He had calls from Lynne, my Mom, Linda, Brian, Sarah, a Zoom call with our girls and their children.  He had emails from our kids from Boys and Girls Club.  Our friends, Ornella and Donato sang to him in Italian and English, with Donato playing guitar.  Ornella made gnocchi with bolognese sauce for his lunch.  It was a terrific day!

We reflected on the past twelve months, trips taken, time spent with family, and time at home.  We cherish the memories made last summer in Mallorca, France, Italy and Greece, and in the fall in Portugal and Iceland, and this spring in Mexico.  We’ve been at home since March 17, social distancing, and staying busy writing, reading, watching foreign films, and spending time each day to exercise.  Life is good!