Sunday, October 7, 2018

Busy Week

This past week seemed busy for us.  Papa biked every morning while I hiked.  Rachel, from UA Development Office, stopped by for a couple of hours early in the week.  Wednesday was Taylor’s birthday, so we called to sing to her.  We had lunch with Karla on Thursday.  She got a job offer as a medical assistant just after she got home from lunch that day.  We enjoyed the Wynton Marsalis concert on Friday night.  Jennie and her mother, Jovita, joined us for dinner on Saturday.  Jennie and Dale went to school together and were in the same graduating class.  Jovita is 93 and very feisty.  We had wonderful conversation.

Besides the fun things we did, Papa got through a full week without medication.  I included “super foods” in every meal with more variety than I’ve ever cooked with.  His change in diet is working and his glucose level was lower much of the week than the week before.  We had a good week!