Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Biosphere 2

Visiting Biosphere 2 has been on our to do list for a long time.  We went today!  What is Biosphere 2?  "It is one of the world's most unique facilities dedicated to the research and understanding of global scientific issues. The Biosphere 2 facility serves as a laboratory for controlled scientific studies, an arena for scientific discovery and discussion, and a far-reaching provider of public education. Its mission is to serve as a center for research, outreach, teaching and life-long learning about Earth, its living systems, and its place in the universe; to be an adaptive tool for Earth education."  Over 10,000 K-12 students take tours of the property and participate in experiments each year, including one week camps in summer. 

We took a tour of the facility, walking through five biomes, underground to the two acre plant that provides steam heat and air, and inside the giant lung that equalizes air pressure.  It was all fascinating!  You can read more about Biosphere 2 here.