Sunday, February 4, 2018

Yard Work that Keeps Going and Going

We have been working in the yard over the past few weeks.  Over this past week, we realized that we could vastly improve our mountain views by taking out a few trees.  Papa got started trimming and chain sawing, with me trimming trees and digging out old prickly pear.  I spoke with our across the wash neighbor this morning and it seems we have more yard than we thought! 

We ordered a 20 yard dumpster on Thursday.  We had help moving piles of limbs into the dumpster on Saturday morning, and we have lots more to load!  The yard will look worse until all the piles of limbs are gone, but our view to the west, of the Tucson Mountains, is already visible.  Success!  We've also found several saguaros that we hadn't noticed before!