Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dinner with Lynne

We flew to San Antonio this morning to visit Lynne.  Lynne is Papa's mother-in-law and Brian's grandmother and my good friend.  She will be 95 in November.  She invited friends to join us for dinner where she lives.  Everyone arrived at 6 for wine and hors d'oeuvres.  Dinner began at 6:30, with multiple courses, each more delicious than the last!  Dessert was beautiful, a scoop of peach ice cream covered in a sugared shell, nestled in a lace cookie crust sitting on top of cream sauces in a spider web pattern.  We brought Visit Tucson magazines, Green Valley pecans, and saguaro coasters as small gifts for each of the guests.  We had a wonderful time and really enjoyed meeting everyone.  We particularly enjoyed the time with Lynne.