Friday, May 5, 2017

Brian's Visit

One of the last vestiges of the ranch to find a home for, was Papa's truck.  He offered it to Brian, so Brian flew from Dallas to take possession and drive it home.  Brian arrived on Thursday morning.  After lunch we drove to a pizza place near the University of Arizona campus, to meet with several students that are recipients of scholarships from CDH Foundation.  Papa serves on the CDH Foundation Board.  Four students took time to meet with us, during their Finals Week.  They are a busy bunch and we are proud of each of them.  Brian took this photo of us with the students.
Papa and Brian went to the Pima Air and Space Museum this morning.  We met for lunch at The Hub, in downtown Tucson, and they couldn't stop talking about how much they enjoyed seeing all the aircraft at the Museum.  We talked much of the afternoon.  After dinner, Papa rode with Brian to fill up the truck with gas.  He will leave tomorrow morning, to drive back to Dallas.  Its been a whirlwind trip for Brian and we have enjoyed every moment!