Saturday, August 24, 2019

Activity Update

Papa is now making a leather passport/wallet for Audrey.  It is similar to one he made for me a couple of years ago and Audrey saw it and asked for one when we were in Mallorca in June.  Papa has biked a couple of times over the past ten days.  Most mornings have been too warm to bike comfortably, with temperatures many mornings not below 80 at 6 a.m.  Papa is a "Goldilocks" biker. 

After our Brunch at First Watch on Saturday, August 10, with our long time "kids," we had a couple of lunches and a breakfast the following week with three that couldn't come to the brunch.  We met Jose at Five Points Market.  He will begin his freshman year at UA this week, majoring in engineering.  He got scholarships that will cover his tuition all four years.  We had lunch with Tatiana and she caught us up on her summer, when she spent time in NYC with her sister, who is the Director of Invest Africa.  Tatiana works and recently moved into her own apartment on University Avenue, close to her pre-med classes at UA.  We met Yadi for breakfast and she surprised us with a bouquet of flowers and bringing her boyfriend to meet us.  Yadi will be a sophomore at UA and she plans to continue working part time at El Rio Health Center during the school year.   Her tuition for all four years is also covered and she recently received an additional scholarship for fees and books.

We had our annual physicals and blood work done this week.  Our doctor called me late Friday after getting my blood results, to tell me, "they were perfect!"  We hope to get Papa's results back in the next few days.

I have made two photo books in the past ten days, of our six week UK trip in 2015 and our week on Eleuthera in March 2019.  I have now embarked on the tedious project of editing, with all 1837 posts, so that I can have it made into a book.  I'm plugging away at this project, and now have 1350 blog posts leftt to edit!  I'm making slow progress.

Life is good!