Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Martina Franca and Locorotondo

After a terrific breakfast at Masseria San Paulo Grande, we got good advice from Cosimo, the owner’s son, about a plan for our day.  We set off for Martina Franca, with its mixture of medieval and baroque architecture.  Martina Franca was developed as a military stronghold in the 14th century, when a surrounding wall with 24 towers was built.  Only four gates remain of the original wall.  We enjoyed exploring the Basilica de San Martino, Chiesa di San Dominico, and up and down the narrow streets.  We had an enormous lunch at La Radici in the old historic center and enjoyed talking with the chef/owner.  We liked Martina Franca!
Our next stop was Locorotondo, just 6 km away.  We saw  the beautiful interior of Chiesa Madre Parrochia di San Giorgio Martire, built in the 1700’s on ancient foundations, Church of our Lady Greca, and we stopped for a rest in Villa Comunale Giuseppe Garibaldi gardens.  Locorotondo was laid out in concentric circles around the pinnacle of a low hill and has wonderful views out over the Itria Valley, with trulli scattered about.  Neither Martina Franca or Locorotondo had many tourists, so we felt as if we had both to ourselves.  We had a wonderful day!