Saturday, January 13, 2018

Doctor of Musical Arts Recital

We went to Holsclaw Hall at the University of Arizona this evening to hear Misael Barraza Diaz, play guitar in his Doctor of Musical Arts Ensemble Recital.  We have been watching Misael play guitar since 2011.  He has played in our home for a party.  We've heard him play in Phoenix, at Tohono Chul Park, at flamenco festivals, at Vicente's Restaurant, and numerous times at UA. 

Misael is a very talented guitarist.  He put together the recital program, which included two male vocalists singing varied music, one classical of an early 1600's composer, the second opera style in Spanish, then a quartet of guitars playing Bach, and the final two pieces were Misael playing guitar in a duo with a flutist.  The music was written by an Argentinian famous for his tango compositions.  The concert was superb!  Unfortunately, they asked everyone not take photos at the concert!