Sunday, December 31, 2017

Best of 2017

2017 has been an exciting year for us.  We enjoyed our last three months of living on the ranch, January-March.  We moved to Tucson full time in April, where we explored as if everything was new to us.  (Adventures posted here.)  We left on a seven week trip to Italy in May, with Audrey, Whitney, and Claire’s families joining us for a week near Verona . We flew to Sicily for three weeks, where we spent a week with Claire, Emerson, and Colby climbing around ancient ruins, and we ferried to the Aoelian Islands for a week.

We took several short trips to visit family, including a couple of trips to Kentucky, one to Dallas to deliver furniture and to visit Whitney and Brian, one to Chicago to visit Audrey’s family, and a couple of short trips to San Antonio to see Lynne.  We spent time with our Boys and Girls Club kids and BGCT honored us with the “Louise & Dale Henderson Learning Center.”

We left on November 3, on a cruise from Dubai, UAE, to Cape Town, South Africa, with stops in Oman, India, the Maldives, Seychelles, and all along the east coast of Africa.  We spent every day in a state of amazement and wonder at all the new things we experienced and saw.  We particularly liked the interior sands of Oman and Cape Town plus surrounding area.  (Many photos here.)

In the words of Ahmed, whom we met in Petra some years ago, “Every day is a good day!”  We try to be sure of it!