Saturday, September 9, 2017

Mercado San Agustin

Downtown Tucson is changing every day.  Yesterday, I got my hair cut at my regular place, Salon Salon, located in the Historic Depot on Toole Avenue.  I stopped in Laura Tanzer's Boutique, next door to Salon Salon.  Next, Papa and I drove across downtown Tucson on Congress, under I-10, to have lunch at Mercado San Agustin.  We ate at Seis, a modern Mexican restaurant, just after the lunch hour.  We looked in all the shops around the courtyard.  Mercado San Agustin was built in 2010, to look old.  It is of LEED design, to conserve resources.  The Tucson Streetcar makes a loop at Mercado San Agustin, tying it to downtown.  Love the concept!  We'll go back.