Saturday, June 17, 2017

In Venice on My Birthday

Papa and I arrived by train in Venice yesterday afternoon.  We have tickets to the La Biennale de Venezia, their 57th International Art Event, so we set off for the Arsenale venue first.  Along the way, we stopped at several palazzos hosting Biennale art events.  The palazzos were more stunning than the art!

We were up early today, to celebrate my 60th birthday!  We walked for an hour to enjoy the early morning light.  After breakfast, we're going to the Biennale Giardini venue for more art.  We celebrated our 25th Anniversary in Venice.  We're happy to be back for another celebration!

Birthdays are always a time of reflection, and I am so grateful for this life I live.  I am so proud of my children and am enjoying the moments spent with grandchildren.  I work at staying healthy and hope to stay strong.  I love to travel and enjoyed reminiscing with our girls over the past week, about trips taken, places experienced over the past 35 years.  I enjoy time and conversations with good friends.  I'm happy to be a giver and cherish those moments of doing for others.  I'm grateful to be married to Papa and to share this amazing journey of life.  All good!