Friday, May 10, 2024

Evening Walks

We have had a busy week, seeing lots of friends, enjoying tea with Ingrid in Saint-Clar on Sunday, coffees with Annie on Monday and Judy on Thursday.  We had apéros with Hilde and Filiep in Saint-Clar on Tuesday evening.  We invited Dominique and Romain and Lesley and Andy for dinner on Thursday evening, and we enjoyed playing several games of Skye Jo.  Today, Friday, I went to the Friday market in Lectoure and we had lunch with Pirrko and Nelson at L’Atelier D’Auria.  Amidst all these fun events, Papa and I took several evening walks after dinner.  This is the view of the front of the Cathédrale, bathed in sunlight, this evening at 7:40.