Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Chateau Lavardens

Papa and I had an early appointment at the Prefecture in Auch this morning.  We picked up our carte de séjour for another twelve months (our French residency card).  We are always happy to get it!

On our way back to Lectoure, we made a detour to visit Chateau Lavardens.  Built in the 12th century, it was part of the stronghold of the Counts of Armagnac. It was rebuilt in the mid 1600’s by Antoine de Roquelaure, a friend of Henry 4th, for his young wife, who bore 12 children.  After the French Revolution, it was sold to 12 families, and gradually fell into ruin.  Chateau Lavardens was saved by a handful of enthusiastic supporters in the 1960’s.  It was classified as an Historic Monument and today hosts art and cultural events. It is known for its extraordinary stone and brick floors.  They are beautiful!