Friday, July 12, 2024

Lunch and Tour de France

We had reservations for lunch today at La Bastide in Cauzabon.  I specifically made the reservation for 12:15, because the Tour de France was scheduled to ride through the village at 3 pm this afternoon.  The restaurant called yesterday to warn us that some roads would be closed by 11, so we left plenty of time to arrive.  We approached Cauzabon at 11:30 and there were people already lining the roadways, with portable picnic tables set up for miles.  

We visited Eglise Saint-Pierre, built in the 12th century over a Roman temple, across the garden from ancient thermes (hot springs).  The clock tower entrance to the eglise was built in the 1600’s.  We had a wonderful lunch in the garden of La Bastide.  

By 2:00, we walked the short distance through the village to the Tour de France route.  We found a spot with a place to sit and waited.  Because the road was closed, all traffic was with Tour de France, sponsor vehicles, emergency vehicles, motorcycles, cars and vans with extra bikes and bike parts.  There was a lot of honking and waving for the next hour, until four helicopters flew overhead.  We knew the bikers were close.  

At 3:04, they rounded the curve just up the hill from where we stood.  There was a small peloton of 20 riders, led by motorcycles and followed by another motorcycle plus van with tv cameras.  Whoosh!  They passed!

Within seconds, the second peloton, with over 100 riders appeared, and whoosh!  They passed!  From the first rider in the first peloton to the last rider in the second peloton, only 1 minute passed!  I was clicking away on my camera!  They were followed by more motorcycles, vans and cars loaded with bikes, and finally a helicopter overhead.  It was an exciting minute!  We had fun watching a minute of our 2nd Tour de France.

Note from the stage results:
Tadej Pogecar, a Slovenian, the 2024 Tour de France leader, after Stage 13, was wearing a yellow jersey and in the second peloton at the moment we were watching.  Jasper Philipsen, a Belgian, won the 13th stage in a sprint at the finish in Pau.  He was wearing a gray jersey and also in the second peloton as we watched, just four bikes behind Pogecar in my photos.