Audrey and Dan picked us up this morning and we headed to the Joselyn Art Museum in downtown Omaha. It is a pink marble building that opened in 1931, as a gift to the City of Omaha from Sarah Joselyn. We enjoyed the exhibits from old masters to contemporary art, as well as the building architecture and the children’s art room. Just as we came out of the building, a flock of geese flew overhead. We may see those geese in Arizona in the next few weeks!
Audrey made lunch and we played a couple of games of Clue. We listened to music, read, and enjoyed a lazy afternoon. We had dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. Audrey and Dan dropped us off at our hotel around 7 and we walked down to the river at sunset. We had another nice day in Omaha!
Audrey made lunch and we played a couple of games of Clue. We listened to music, read, and enjoyed a lazy afternoon. We had dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. Audrey and Dan dropped us off at our hotel around 7 and we walked down to the river at sunset. We had another nice day in Omaha!