Monday, December 10, 2018


We invited our Boys & Girls Club kids for a holiday celebration on Sunday afternoon at 4.  I prepared a 4' long cheese board and we sat around the table eating and talking for a couple of hours.  Everyone gets the chance to talk about themselves and what they've been doing since our last dinner.  We love hearing every detail!  They are a busy bunch!

After stuffing ourselves, we settled in the living room to play our version of Chinese Christmas exchange, with each person drawing a number and choosing a gift to open or choosing someone else's gift.  There's plenty of trading!  We talked until 10:45.  Our "kids" are no longer kids, with one in graduate school, several working, a couple married and one announcing they are expecting a baby next summer, and two still in high school.  We love every one!  We are truly blessed that they allow us be part of their lives.