Tuesday, December 19, 2017


We have accumulated lots of ornaments over the years.  When the kids were young, I bought them a new ornament every year and would put them in bags with their names on it, so they could hang their own ornaments the next year.  As they got married and had their own homes, I gave each of them some of their ornaments.  Most of our ornaments come with memories, like the sand dollars we found on Upper Captiva one summer.  We wrapped over 60 in our suitcases and took them home, put ribbons on, and hung some on our Christmas tree that year and every year since.  I made 30-40 calico birds and star ornaments before Papa and I got married in 1981, and we still use them.  We've received ornaments as gifts over the years, the Twelve Days of Christmas balls, angels, mini paintings from a trip to Ecuador, and a bird house full of birds this year.